Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Security Challenges in Cloud Computing

Cloud computing is now becoming a major factor out in the IT world. One of the main issues that companies have with cloud computing is how safe is it.  The article talks about the threat savings promised by the cloud are however offset by the perceived security threats feared by users.  Cloud computing is a new term that is now starting to be use in more and more companies.  Cloud computing is typically based on their deployment or service models. There are four different types of deployment or service models: Private cloud, Public cloud, community cloud, and hybrid cloud.  Cloud service model are typically classified as software as a Service (SaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS), and Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS).  All these services are combine and to form cloud computing. Cloud computing is currently being in used in some of the larger corporations such as Google, Yahoo, Amazon, and Facebook.  The fact that these companies are using the cloud computing should be proof how secure cloud computing is. 

Some cloud security challenges are resource location, multi-tenancy issue, authentication and trust of acquirement information, system monitoring and logs, and cloud standards.  There are many open problems in cloud computing security that should be addressed by cloud providers. Cloud computing is 100 percent safe like any other form of security. It very secure and it is much more cost effective for the larger companies. Cloud computing shifts most of the IT infrastructure and data storage to third-party providers. The article talked about the specific security requirements for securing data storage in the cloud. They are data stored on the cloud should be kept private; the data owner has full control over authorization of data sharing, and data access authorization is designated to the intended user only.  Cloud providers make sure that they are taken care of. They are being trusted to secure valuable information so they make sure to do the best they can to help satisfy their customers.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

A View of Cloud Computing

This article talks about cloud computing and how many companies are starting to use cloud computing. Cloud computing refers to both the application deliverer as services over the Inter and the hardware and systems in the data centers that provide those services.  Cloud computing is coming up in the IT world and has the chance to become a major factor in the IT industry.  The hardware and software from the data center is what people refer to as the cloud.  There are different types of cloud computing. You have public cloud and private cloud.  Public cloud is a cloud made available in a pay-as-you go manner to the general public. Private cloud refers to internal data centers of a business or other organization, not made available to the general public.

Cloud computing is number 1 in business continuity and service availability. Cloud computing has the ability to add or remove resources at a fine grain and with a lead-time of minutes rather than weeks.  Organizations worry whether cloud-computing service will really be available and will they will be even to help solve the issues that they will be faced with.  The performance of cloud computing has the ability to adapt to just about any situation. Cloud users main fear is the threat of their information being hacked. All cloud users face security from outside and inside the cloud.  Most of the security issues deal with protecting clouds from threats coming from the outside. The cloud is divided into different parties including cloud user, the cloud vendor, and any other third-party vendors that users rely on for security-sensitive software or configuration. The cloud user is responsible for security the application being used by the company.  Cloud computing will grow and become more dependable. Very soon the cloud computing will be a major factor. It has some issues that need to be improved as far as the application software, infrastructure software, and hardware systems. Once these issues are improved to help the cloud run better it become a game changer! 

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Backup & Archive

Cloud computing is on the raise. It is starting to become more and more popular as far a way for companies to back up their data. The article talks about how NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory started using cloud computing to get a feel for it. Much of the research on cloud computing says that cloud offers significant improvements over traditional counterparts. Cloud storage offers backups as it provides geographical redundancy, optimized recovery, high availability, and extremely high durability.  Companies like Amazon, Google, and Microsoft are starting to use cloud computing. The cost is better as fair as business is concerned. Cloud computing is just a way for backup strategy and analyzes how a cloud computing solution maybe the best practices.  

The main reason companies are starting to use cloud computing is because of the price. The cost depends on the amount of resources used and the level of service required. In most cases data upload is not charged.  The backup and recovery process needs to be performed within a short amount of time. Its important the recovery of the data without messing up the process that is taking place. The cloud backup strategy allows us to offer service at a very fair rate. The back process that cloud offers along with the rate they charge for their services can’t be matched. They offer so much help and services to the point were you know that they are on your side. Further areas of study can focus on increasing even more performance so they will be able to provide more services to help make the backup and recovery process better.  Cloud computing is something that is becoming more and more popular as companies are to see how much money they are saving and the benefits from cloud of computing. As more major companies start to see the benefits from cloud computing the other companies will start to jump on board.

IBM DB2 11 for z/OS

IBM DB2 for z/OS is a very good product by IBM that is used almost all over but all the major companies in the world. DB2 is designed to help reduce cost and complexity in your IT infrastructure. With the best availability, reliability, and security for business critical information IBMs DB2 for z/OS is one of the top products that IBM has to offer. This product is designed to help save data and store data in a safe way were it wouldn’t get hacked by people from the outside.  It is very hard to manage large amounts of data without slowing down your system. Banks have to be able to manage large amounts of data in a short period of time. The Mainframe along with DB2 for z/OS is the perfect combination to help manage large amounts of data by company. I have personality worked DB2 and it is a great tool.

IBM DB2 for z/OS is the leading enterprise data server, designed to be tightly intergraded with IBM System Z Mainframe. The DB2 11 for z/OS allows new structures such as the ability to make changes to data definitions without disrupting online performance. It is very important to be able to make major changes like that without interrupting the data process. There are also new enhance that have been brought to the new DB2 product such as pure XML, extended SQL. You can also now insert, update, and delete processing without impacting performance.  The mainframe security and enhanced data encryption mean that DB2 for z/OS is highly secure so that means your data is safe.  DB2 also make sure that all changes down to the system are save and backed up just in case they need to be changed. Things go wrong so in some case you need to get things back to the way they were when they were working.