Wednesday, October 30, 2013

iPhone 5s & iPhone 5c

Apple released two new iPhone, the iPhone 5s and the iPhone 5c. The iPhone 5s is similar to the iPhone 5 but the main difference is that it has a new touch ID home button.  The home ID button allows you to unlock your phone with the fingerprint.  The also installed a new A7chip to that gives you CPU and graphics performance up. They also have improved the camera by adding an iSight feature, which allows you to awesome pictures. As well as a new recording feature that allows you to watch parts of a video in slow motion. The iPhone 5s has u to 13 LTE bands.  Which allows iPhone users to experience fast download and upload speeds. LTE is extremely fast on the iPhone 5s; I feel that it is one of the fastest smartphones as far as downloading speed and ability to browse the web.  It also features the new iOS7 mobile operating system. The iPhone 5s has a few applications that aren’t available on the other iPhones.  iPhoto, iMovie, Pages, Keynote, and Numbers are all available on the iPhone 5s free from App Store.  The price of the new iPhone 5s is $199.

With the iPhone 5c is just like the iPhone 5 but it has a hard plastic case on it that comes in many different colors.  A steel case is attached around the plastic frame to help protect the phone.  The phone has a difference appearance but it still is the iPhone 5 at the end of the day. It just allows you the option of choosing more colors for your phone.  The iPhone 5c has more LTE wireless bands than ever before. There are other small features on the iPhone 5c but it is basically just like the iPhone 5. The price of the iPhone 5c is $99.

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