Tuesday, October 1, 2013

This Doc's Prescription? Use This App, Twice Daily

On Science Friday radio they talked about how smartphone apps and add-ons can now be used to provide medical attention to you without having to go to the doctor.  Dr. Eric Topol a Cardiologist who wrote a book called The Creative Destruction of Medicine.  During the radio call Dr. Topol talked about many apps that could be use to perform things like ultrasounds, electrocardiograms, and test of the blood pressure.  Also Dr. Topol talked about how certain apps along with the add ons could monitor things going on with your body. Dr. Tropol talked about an app that he felt was his favorite app that monitors when someone has heart rhythm problem. The two apps are called Alive Core and EGC Check that are available on both iPhone and Android phones.  Another app that was mentioned was an app that help measures the blood pressure called iHealth and Withings. You still have to buy add ons that will allow you to be able to check your blood pressure from your iPhone. Also there are many apps that measure your sleeping patterns. The only problem with that is that the app is not as accurate because it doesn’t actually measure the brainwaves. It focuses more on how much movement is going on while you are sleep.  People were calling in the radio wondering if they could use these apps instead of going to the doctor. In some cases people could get away with not going to the doctor but the doctors office will always be the best bet. These apps will be used a lot in the future. The way technology is growing this doesn’t surprise me at all. Dr. Topol talked about how he would like to see an app that predicts heart attacks. Think about how many lives would be save from the app that predicted that a heart attack was about to occur. These apps are wonderful technology that will help people and save many lives in the future.

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