Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Continuity Software's risk detection line adds SAN configuration app

This article talked about the SAN configuration application. This application is designed to detect software to storage networks. Recently AvailabilityGuard/SAN is part of Continuity’s Availability Guard/Enterprise suite of risk detection application launched. This was designed to detect how Fibre channels, SAN switches, and host bus adapters will impact other SAN devices.  The AvailabilityGuard/SAN scans all devices in the SAN fabric through agentless data collection.  So what will happen is it allow all the issues to show up on the server and once the customer clicks the problem, step by step instructions will be provided to solve the problem.  The software supports FC switches from Broacade Communications and Cisco Systems. The pricing for this product starts at $20,00 per year.  David Simpson, a senior storage analyst at New York-based 451 Research LLC, talked a little bit about the product in the article. He made the point that the key is that Continuity is automating a process that is difficult and time-consuming to do manually. He was making the point that it would be more cost effective to purchase this product that will do it for you rather than do it manually. The article went on to talk about another example about how a SAN may find a switch lacks redundancy and this is a single point of failure. With the product it can show valid paths from servers to storage to meet service-level agreements.  Continuity Software CEO Gil Hecht talked about how dependable their product is, saying that if they detect a problem on the SAN, they will know where the problem is. I feel that this will be a very good product to make the lives of people working on servers a lot easier. They wont have to spend hours and hours looking for what the problem is and how to solve it. They can now have the problem and solution right there in front of them thanks to the SAN.


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