Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Xbox One

With the new generation of game consoles coming out for the Wii, and PlayStation, Microsoft decided to also release a new game console called the Xbox One. The Xbox One will be releasing sometime in November, the actual release date has not yet been confirmed. When Microsoft first announced that the Xbox One was coming out a lot of users complained because at first the system didn’t actually have disk games. You could only purchase games by downloading them off of Xbox Live. Xbox supporters made a big fuss about this. Some supporters even talked about buying the PlayStation 4 instead of the Xbox One because PlayStation 4 allowed users to purchase the actual disk.  A few weeks later after Microsoft received many complaints about not being able to buy the actual disk for the game so Microsoft then announced that they would now allow users to purchase the actual disk game. Once they announced this the amount of preorders they received for the Xbox One skyrocketed. The Xbox also has many amazing features a few of them are, voice command, the ability to tune into your home’s TV services, and the ability to video chat.  The new Kinect that comes with the Xbox One tracks the motions you make as well as a very good voice recognition feature that allows you to do things like turn on the Xbox or Switch to and from your TV.  The Xbox One allows you to connect your Xbox to your cable box which allows you to play your Xbox and go back to watching TV while your are waiting for an online match to load. If you switch to the TV while you are in an online lobby waiting for a match to start the Xbox will notify you when the match is about to start. This is a very good feature that will be used a lot.  Xbox one also allows your to use Skype. This is another very good feature because now more and more people are starting to use video chat as a form of communication so it was smart of Microsoft to incorporate this into their new system. There are many more features that the new Xbox will have; we will all just have to wait until November to see what those features are.



  1. I own the Xbox 360, but when the next generation of consoles release, I plan on switching to the PS4. I think there is going to be a tight battle for who sells the most consoles. To me, Xbox over-did it with the proposed DRM restrictions ( no sharing games, etc), the 24-hour check in, which they have now reversed, and the mandatory Kinect sensor . Both systems have just about the same specifications, but I feel Xbox One is geared towards entertainment whereas PS4 is still focusing on games.

  2. For the next gen i think microsoft has done a little bit to much with there consumer marketing , to the point where as of now they are actually apologizing to gamers on what they have been doing , ive had a xbox 360 for the longest but i cannot and will not support those practices , and to add to all that playstation 4 has been quite impressive so far and lower in price even
